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Story of our School

Photo of school and yard

Story of our School

Pakenham Public School recently celebrated it's 50 year anniversary (1968-2018) - a testament to our long-standing role as a community school.  In fact, our current school building is on the same site as previous schools in Pakenham village, dating back to the 1880s.  The current building has been home to students from K to 8, and more recently changed to a Kindergarten to Grade 6 elementary school.

Pakenham PS is a growing school, but maintains the small-school feel with comfortable class sizes and a feeling of community within our walls.  Students experience flexible learning in a variety of learning environments in and outside of the building.  Our school offers daily core French, daily physical education, outdoor learning time (Kindergarten), and effective use of technology as a part of student learning.

Another key element of our story is our community, who invest in us with their time, energy, partnerships, and desire to see us grow and succeed.  Our active School Council, parent volunteers, community programs, nourish our students in mind and body through supporting academic programs, extra-curriculars, breakfast and snack programs, helping to provide every opportunity to our students.  

If it takes a village to raise a child, Pakenham Public School is certainly an example of that idea in action!

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