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School Handbook:

School handbook information is included in the student agendas. 

To access all of the documents in the handbook, please follow 
this link.

Download our student handbook here:  Student Handbook Download


If a student must leave school early, a note should be presented to the teacher and the student must be signed out at the office. If a student will not be in attendance at the start of the day, parents are asked to call the school, and indicate the reason for their child's absence. There is an answering machine which accepts messages at any time of day or night. Students arriving late (after 9:00 a.m. and 12:10 p.m.) must sign in at the office, where they will obtain an admit slip to present to their teacher.

Access to the School

Students should not arrive at school before 9:00 a.m. All students must go directly to the back yard of the school, where they will be admitted by the supervising teacher. If a student arrives following the entry bell, they must enter via the front doors, and report to the office. All entrance doors to the school will remain locked. Entry can be accessed by an audio/video entry system, located at the front door. All Visitors to the school Must Sign in at The Office before proceeding beyond the office.

Behaviour Requirements for Pupils

Pakenham Public School has organized Behaviour Requirements into three broad categories:
Compliance: The student complies with reasonable requests from adults in the school in a polite and respectful manner.
Respect for Self and Others: The student contributes to the physical, emotional and social well-being of the school. The student respects and cares for the school environment.
Being prepared to Work and Learn: The student arrives at school on time. Homework is complete and available. School materials (pencils, erasers, etc.) are ready at hand. Notebooks are in proper order. Students listen and participate in the lesson. Assigned work is done without disturbing the class. Classroom rules are followed.

Progressive Discipline

Recognizing that children will make poor choices on occasion, progressive discipline has been established to provide a learning opportunity for students.
Examples of progressive discipline include: a gentle reminder, redirection, a review of expectations, preferential seating, teacher/student/principal private disciplinary discussion, placement in another classroom or office, loss of recess privileges, parental contact, parent/teacher conference, conflict mediation & resolution.
Some circumstances may result in a suspension; however, this is a last resort. The circumstances decide what reaction is most appropriate. The most important ingredient for us, however, is support from home. When this is given, the student learns that the partnership is working and that we are all concerned and involved in the student's development.

Bullying Prevention and Intervention
A positive school climate is evident when:

  • Students and staff feel safe and are safe;
  • Healthy and inclusive relationships are promoted;
  • Students are encouraged to be positive leaders in their school community;
  • All partners are actively engaged;
  • Improvement of learning outcomes for all students is emphasized.

  • Definition of Bullying:
    Bullying is typically a form of repeated, persistent and aggressive behaviour directed at an inpidual or inpiduals, that is intended to cause (or should be known to cause) fear and distress and/or harm to another person's body, feelings, self-esteem or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance. Whether it happens in person or online, students who engage in bullying, including cyber-bullying, can get suspended from school.

    Bullying prevention and intervention is included as a component of thought and action in the Upper Canada District School Board, because Character Always is embedded in the organization and curriculum-based delivery of all school related activities. Therefore, it is recognized that:
  • Bullying adversely affects students' ability to learn;
  • Bullying adversely affects healthy relationships and the school climate;
  • Bullying adversely affects a school's ability to educate its students;
  • Bullying will not be accepted on school property, at school-related activities, on school buses, or in any other circumstances (e.g. online) where engaging in bullying will have a negative impact on the school climate.

  • The Upper Canada District School Board Code of Conduct is based on the foundation of the Character Always initiative, and has been developed to promote and support respect, civility, responsible citizenship and to provide the framework for policies related to student discipline, bullying prevention, student and staff safety, respectful working and learning environments, and workplace harassment.


    Program of Instruction
    With the assistance and direction of the Upper Canada District School Board, we are taking a pro-active approach to bullying/negative behaviours. The school has implemented a Character Always Program, based on the Board-wide program. We are developing the virtues of:

    Caring Fairness
    Honesty Empathy
    Responsibility Perseverance
    Respect Resilience

    Besides this 'umbrella' program, which is school-wide, teachers in all pisions routinely address bullying issues as a preventative measure using a number of different ministry and other formal programs.

    Dealing with Incidents

  • Incidents are investigated thoroughly. We take the time to make sure (or as sure as possible) of our facts before acting. Each student deserves to be listened to.
  • If a student is a victim of physical, emotional, or social abuse by another student, he or she will be consulted in deciding how to deal with the situation. Students have been made aware that we will take action that they are comfortable with, so that they don't need to be afraid to ask for help and so that they feel that they have the ability to solve problems in the future.
  • A plan will be developed to ensure the well-being of the victim, give appropriate consequences where needed, and to teach children to make better choices in the future. Appropriate consequences usually involve loss of privileges, withdrawal of classroom privileges, or suspension.
  • The parents of both students will be called and told about the situation and the plan. Students will be discussed only with their own parents.

  • What Parents Can Do…
  • Be aware of the signs of bullying, such as fear of going to school, school work problems, injuries, changes in attitude, disturbed sleep;
  • Phone the Principal immediately if your child indicates that they have been the victim of physical, social or emotional abuse;
  • Assure your child that they have the right to take care of themselves by telling someone about the situation;
  • Assure your child that the Principal will act to ensure their safety, with their input and consent;
  • Help your child develop safe strategies for dealing with future incidents;
  • Let the Principal know immediately if the problem is not solved.

    What Victims Can Do…

  • Tell the bully to stop.
  • Walk away.
  • Tell the teacher on yard duty, your own teacher, the principal and your parents.
  • Telling and tattling are NOT the same thing. Bullies want you to believe that it is wrong to tell someone.

  • What Observers Must Do…
  • Get the teacher.
  • Stop watching. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to watch a person being bullied, either physically or verbally.
  • Walk away. Bullies need to be admired. Don't give them an audience.
  • Physical involvement is not acceptable.

  • Student Council


    Classroom representatives to Student Council will be elected and/or appointed in September of each year. Students will also be placed into school "spirit teams" for activities throughout the year.

    Medical Conditions and Medications

    Parents are asked to contact the school office if they have a student with a life threatening or potentially serious medical condition, so that staff and bus drivers may be informed.

    If students are required to take prescription medications during school hours, an "Authorization for the Administration of Medication" form (available through the school office) must be completed and signed by the prescribing physician and submitted to the office, accompanied by a Pharmacy Medication Information Form. All medications must be stored at the office, in their original containers, Over-the-counter medication must be in its original packaging, and an "Authorization for the Administration of Medication" form submitted, with a parent signature.
    Please note that no nuts or nut products are permitted at school.

    Dress Code

    At Pakenham Public School, we work to create a positive learning atmosphere. We consider our school a place of business - the business of learning. With that statement we expect everyone who is in the building, including students, staff, volunteers and guests, to dress appropriately. Clothing that is considered inappropriate by staff will not be permitted. Some guidelines for appropriate dress include (but are not limited to):

     Articles of clothing are not to convey messages about drugs, alcohol, violence, discrimination or sexual innuendoes, imply threats or have negative slogans.
     Midriff baring tops, halter tops, tube tops, low cut and backless tops, and those with spaghetti straps are not appropriate for junior students.
     Tops or pants which permit the midriff and undergarments to be visible are not allowed.
     Shorts and skirts should be at mid-thigh, minimum, as an appropriate length.
     All headwear (hats, bandanas, hoods, etc.) must be removed within the school.
     Students must dress appropriately for cold weather, with hats, mitts and boots in extremely cold conditions.

    Reporting / Parent-Teacher Conferences

    Report cards are sent home with all students in February and June each year. Teachers will contact parents at any point during the school year if there are concerns. Parents wishing information about their child's progress are encouraged to contact the teacher at any time. Inpidual conferences may be arranged by parents or teachers at any time during the school year. A parent who wishes a conference with a teacher or the principal is asked to telephone the school to arrange for a mutually convenient time.

    Fire Drills / Lockdown Drills

    Students are to evacuate the building immediately once they hear the sound of the fire alarm. Teachers will see that students leave the rooms as quickly as possible in an orderly manner. Students are taught their proper exit route from the building. Students are not to take any articles with them during an evacuation. During a lockdown drill, students are to go to the nearest room, lock the door behind them and move out of sight until instructed to emerge by a staff member or emergency personnel.

    Volunteers / Visitors

    Anyone interested in volunteering must have an up-to-date police security check (within six months). Once this has been provided, an offence declaration can be completed the next school year, in lieu of obtaining a new police check. Visitors to the school should report to the school office, obtain a visitor badge, and be announced to the classroom before proceeding beyond the office area.

    Permission Forms

    All off-site school activities will require a signed permission form, with your child's Ontario Health Card number, detailed health information and an alternate contact in case of emergency. Please be prepared to provide this information from time to time.


    Newsletters will go home the last week of each month, with a monthly calendar for the next month. Please read these carefully, as they contain pertinent information about school life, school council activities, and information from the community.

    Money Collection

    When money is sent to school for food programs, field trips and athletic events, it should be sent in a bag marked with your child's name and what the money is intended for. We accept correct change only, or cheques made payable to Pakenham Public School.


    Use of cell phones is not permitted at school. Students who need to use a phone should go to the office after obtaining permission from a staff member. Students may use hand-held computers and listening devices under certain circumstances. These privileges may be revoked at any time, at the discretion of school staff.


    Water - the Upper Canada District School Board's rural schools use bottled water only. Water bottles intended for re-use may be filled at school. Plastic bottles may not be re-filled at school; however, cups are always available for student use.

    Lunches and Snacks - it is the parent's responsibility to provide a well-balanced and nutritious lunch and beverage (milk is available at a nominal cost, through the school) for their child. Sweets and soft drinks are discouraged because they contain little or no nutrition and are damaging to health. Uneaten food items will be sent back home. No Nuts or Nut products Are Permitted at School.

    Breakfast and Snack Program - through the generosity of Food for Thought and Breakfast Clubs of Canada grants, Pakenham Public School offers both breakfast and snack opportunities for all students. These programs run every school day, and are available to all students.

    Lost and Found

    A lost and found is maintained under the east stairwell. Items are donated to local charity in January and July every year.

    Inclement Weather Procedures

    If weather is inclement, please check to see if buses are running before sending children to wait at their bus stop. You can call the transportation authority (number on next page), or check the transportation website at, "Bus Cancellation Status" button.

    Useful Phone Numbers:
    Pakenham Public School (613) 624-5438
    Upper Canada District School Board (Brockville) (800) 267-7131
    Transportation Authority (bus cancellations, questions) (866) 629-0629
    Barr Bus Lines (613) 624-5260
    R. Tait McKenzie School (Almonte) (613) 256-8248
    Naismith Memorial Public School (Almonte) (613) 256-3773
    Almonte & District High School (613) 256-1470
    Linda Lowe Daycare (613) 624-5320
    Pakenham Public Library (613) 624-5306
    Town of Mississippi Mills (613) 256-2064
    Leeds Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit (800) 660-5853
    Telehealth Ontario (866) 797-0007
    Kids' Help Phone (800) 668-6868
    Ontario Early Years Centre (613) 283-0095
    Language Express (888) 503-8885
    Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth (877) 232-8260

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